Tom Swifties, named after Tom Swift, a character in a popular series of books written in the early 1900s by Edward L. Stratemeyer under the pseudonym Victor Appleton. Swifties are quotes plus a descriptive adverb: “’I know not which groceries to purchase,’ Tom said listlessly,” or “’I have no flowers,’ Tom said lackadaisically”.

"Your Honour, you're crazy!" said Tom judgmentally.

"Who discovered radium?" asked Marie curiously.

"I'm going to end it all," Sue sighed.

"I have a split personality," said Tom, being frank.

"I love hot dogs," said Tom with relish.

"I'll have a martini," said Tom, drily.

"Who left the toilet seat down?" Tom asked peevishly.

"Pass me the shellfish," said Tom crabbily.

"I might as well be dead," Tom croaked.

"We just struck oil!" Tom gushed.

"It's freezing," Tom muttered icily.

"Hurry up and get to the back of the ship!" Tom said sternly.

"We could have made a fortune canning pineapples," Tom groaned dolefully.

"Careful with that chainsaw," Tom said offhandedly.

"I'm here," Tom said presently.

"You ever seen one this big?" Tom bragged cockily.

"Where did all the carpet on the steps go?" asked Tom with a blank stare.

"I have no flowers," Tom said lackadaisically.

"I know not which groceries to purchase," Tom said listlessly.

"I'd like my money back, and some," said Tom with interest.

"I decided to come back to the group," Tom re-joined.

"This pizza place is great!" Tom exclaimed saucily.

"Do you write fairy tales as well?" asked the brothers, grimly.

"This tooth extraction could take for ever," said Tom with infinite wisdom.

"The exit is right there," Tom pointed out.

“Quick, what’s my name?” asked Tom swiftly.

“I hate math,” Tom added.

“Getting rid of acid is easy,” said Tom basically.

“We can’t let the fire die out,” Tom bellowed.

“I knew the gun wasn’t loaded,” Tom said blankly.

“Do you think I’m a dull person?” Tom asked bluntly.

“Where’s my pants?” asked Tom briefly.

“For goodness sake, use a broom,” Tom bristled.

“There’s someone at the front door,” Tom chimed in.

“I feel a draft,” Tom said coolly.

“I’m a broken man,” Tom cracked.

“I want to be your best friend,” Tom said doggedly.

“Lights, camera, action!” Tom said directly.

“Come up to my apartment,” Tom said flatly.

“Yes, we have no bananas,” Tom said fruitlessly.

“Let’s spice it up,” said Tom gingerly.

“I've dug myself into a hole,” Tom said gravely.

“Who goes there!” the soldier called out haltingly.

“Melinda broke my heart,” Tom said half-heatedly.

“I clubbed a diamondback snake with a spade,” Tom said heartlessly.