Croakers are similar to Tom Swifties, but a verb is used instead of an adverb: "’I plan to renew my membership,’ Tom rejoined,” or “’I have to sweep up now,’ the custodian maintained.” The invention of croakers is attributed to writer Roy Bongartz.

That's a dogwood, he barked

Nuts! she cracked

I'm losing my mind, she cracked

It' a gas! he fumed

I love spearmint gum, she bubbled

Your cigarette has ignited my fichu! she flared

You've forgotten the Parmesan, he grated

That's Moby Dick, she blubbered

I'm Gale Storm, she blustered

You're my kind of guy, she typed

I'm languishing in jail, he penned

Turn on the fountain, he spouted

You snake! she rattled

You know how I loathe fish, he carped

The kitten got into the knitting, she snarled

That gun really backfired, he shot back

Someone I s at the door, she chimed

I can't get the car started, he choked

Dom Perignon! she bubbled

I've not packed the talcum, she puffed

What a peculiar furry beast, she yakked

I just popped two shirt buttons, he burst out

You I re no angel, she harped

That's corny, she husked